Press, Media, & Presentations

Spencer Sherman has been interviewed or had his work featured in a variety of media, including:

Gates Notes, The Blog of Bill Gates

Bill Gates highlights a project Spencer led at the Rhode Island Department of Education to help low-income students succeed at Algebra. Spencer’s team was the only state education agency team to win a grant from the Gates Foundation’s Grand Challenge for Algebra.

Institute for Education Sciences

Spencer’s team at the Rhode Island Department of Education partnered with the US Department of Education’s Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) on research which found that the state’s dual enrollment programs had a large positive impact on students.

Bain & Company

Spencer was featured in Bain’s report, ““Taking Flight: How to Maximize the Potential of Career-Connected Learning” about promising practices in work-based learning. The report highlighted his experience leading PrepareRI, Rhode Island’s statewide college and career readiness initiative.  

Government Technology Magazine

Spencer was featured in an article about the Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI) initiative he oversaw, which dramatically expanded access to computer science courses in the state. The initiative connects college computer science programs with high schools across the state.


Spencer Sherman is an experienced speaker, presenter, and facilitator. He has presented at a variety of forums, including:

  • US Congressional Career & Technical Education Caucus

  • Council of Chief State School Officers

  • Education Commission of the States

  • Advance CTE

  • College Promise

  • College Board

  • Association for Education Finance & Policy

  • Achieving the Dream

  • California Workforce Association